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Type: Settler

 Elder Hat Elder Shirt Elder Shoes

The Elder is the Settler available by default at the start of the game. The player will spawn near his house if the corresponding option is selected when creating the world.

The player can use the Elder's house as his own, as well as the Workstation and all items in the Chest. In the house, the player can also find a small room with the Ladder Down leading to the Caves.

The Elder offers the player Quests with unique rewards. The player can also buy extra copies of completed quest rewards. He is the only settler who respawns if killed.

The Elder has a 10% chance to spawn with a special name of people showing continued contribution. It will pick from one of the following: Diligo, Haydex, Kamikaze, Subject, Vireyar, Fair.

The Elder cannot do any tasks.


Name Price Availability
 Alien Costume Shirt ? - ? After completing Desert Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Frog Mask ? - ? After completing Forest Surface Adventure Journal Challenge
 Alien Costume Boots ? - ? After completing Desert Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Chicken Mask ? - ? After completing Dungeon Adventure Journal Challenge
 Frog Costume Shirt ? - ? After completing Forest Surface Adventure Journal Challenge
 Horse Mask ? - ? After completing Snow Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Chicken Costume Shirt ? - ? After completing Dungeon Adventure Journal Challenge
 Frog Costume Boots ? - ? After completing Forest Surface Adventure Journal Challenge
 Horse Costume Shirt ? - ? After completing Snow Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Chicken Costume Boots ? - ? After completing Dungeon Adventure Journal Challenge
 Alien Mask ? - ? After completing Desert Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Horse Costume Boots ? - ? After completing Snow Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Banner Stand 250 - 350 Post Cryo Queen quest
 Item Attractor ? - ? After completing Swamp Surface Adventure Journal Challenge
 Construction Hammer ? - ? After completing Forest Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Tool Extender ? - ? After completing Desert Surface Adventure Journal Challenge
 Ammo Pouch 400 - 500 Post Evil's Protector quest
 Telescopic Ladder ? - ? After completing Plains Surface Adventure Journal Challenge
 Infinite Rope ? - ? After completing Swamp Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Infinite Water Bucket ? - ? After completing Swamp Deep Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Lunchbox 500 - 600 Post Queen Spider quest
 Recall Flask 1,000 - 1,200 Post Ancient Vulture
 Void Pouch 600 - 800 Post Void Wizard quest
 Miners Prosthetic ? - ? After completing Snow Deep Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Coin Pouch 1,200 - 1,500 Post Pirate Captain quest
 Seed Gun ? - ? After completing Forest Deep Cave Adventure Journal Challenge
 Blink Scepter 1,200 - 1,500 Post Sage and Grit quest
 Portal Flask 1,600 - 2,400 Post Pest Warden
 Hoverboard 1,500 - 1,800 Post Reaper quest
 Void Bag 1,900 - 2,600 Post Fallen Wizard quest

The Elder's house[edit]