Wiring are items that can be connected together with Objects such as Traps, Doors, Fence Gates, Lighting, TNT or Firework Dispenser to create automated circuits for defensive, offensive, and other purposes. Wiring circuits can be as simple as turning lights on or off, or activating a TNT explosion, or as complex as creating a Kill Maze to protect your base from Raiders.
Logic Gates[edit]
AND Gate•
Buffer Gate•
Counter Gate•
Delay Gate•
NAND Gate•
NOR Gate•
OR Gate•
SR Latch Gate•
Sensor Gate•
Sound Gate•
T flip-flop Gate•
Timer Gate•
XOR Gate
Deep Snow Stone Pressure Plate•
Deep Stone Pressure Plate•
Deep Swamp Stone Pressure Plate•
Dungeon Pressure Plate•File:Granite Pressure Plate.png Granite Pressure Plate•
Rock Lever•
Sandstone Pressure Plate•
Snow Stone Pressure Plate•
Stone Pressure Plate•
Swamp Stone Pressure Plate•
Wood Pressure Plate