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Type: Settler

The Miner can be found in Caves.

The Miner will not buy anything from a player. She can be sent on mining trips after moving in, in much the same way as the angler's fishing trips. The higher tier the ore being sent for, the more gold the trip will cost. (Verification needed for if happiness affects cost and/or yield.)

Once sent on a mining trip the Miner will leave the settlement for a short time and come back with the chosen Ore.

The Miner can also do hauling, crafting, forestry and farming tasks, and can join your adventuring party.

The Miner will join your settlement for Gold, Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore or any combination of two.

The Miner has the following mining missions:
Ore Secondary Resources Requirement
Copper Ore Stone, Sapphire Always
Iron Ore Stone, Sapphire Always
Gold Ore Stone, Sapphire Always
Frost Shard Snow Stone After completing the "Kill Evil's Protector" quest
Ivy Ore Swamp Stone After completing the "Kill Void Wizard" quest
Quartz Sandstone, Amethyst After completing the "Kill Swamp Guardian" quest
Tungsten Ore Deep Stone, Ruby After completing the "Kill Pirate Captain" quest
Life Quartz Deep Stone After completing the "Kill Pirate Captain" quest
Glacial Ore Deep Snow Stone After completing the "Kill Reaper" quest
Mycelium Ore Deep Swamp Stone After completing the "Kill Cryo Queen" quest
Ancient Fossil Ore Deep Sandstone After completing the "Kill Pest Warden" quest