Incursion Biomes

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Incursion Biomes are locations an Incursion can take place in. An Incursion can take place in any of the 4 Deep Caves currently in the game, or in an exclusive Incursion Biome.

This page lists the exclusive biomes that can be accessed by performing Incursions. Currently WIP

For a full list of Incursion Biomes, check out Incursion Rewards.

Slime Cave[edit]

Slime Cave is an Incursion Biome. The cave is filled with Slime Acid that can leave a lingering Damage-over-time effect on players if touched.

Monsters found here include Warrior Slime, Legged Slime Thrower, Mage Slime, Ghost Slime, and Slimeworm. You can loot the following items in the Slime Cave:

Type Items
Materials  Slime Essence Slime Matter Slimeum Alchemy Shard Upgrade Shard
Equipment Random Tier Armor • Random Tier Weapon
Consumables  Fire Arrow Iron Arrow Bone Arrow Greater Health Potion Greater Mana Potion Greater Health Regen Potion Greater Attack Speed Potion Minion Potion Knockback Potion Thorns Potion Fishing Potion Travel Scroll
Non-Craftable Objects File:Liquid Slime.png Liquid SlimeFile:Slime Rock Tile.png Slime Rock Tile
Other Items  Torch Gateway Tablet • 1 Vinyl


Graveyard is an Incursion Biome. It is the only place players can obtain Deadwood Logs before obtaining their saplings. Deadwood furniture and blocks, as well as crypt blocks, are scattered all around the area.

Monsters found here include Crypt Bat, Crypt Vampire and Phantom.

You can loot the following items in the Graveyard:

Type Items
Materials  Blood Essence Phantom Dust Nightsteel Ore Alchemy Shard Upgrade Shard
Equipment Random Tier Armor • Random Tier Weapon •  Blood Claw The Crimson Sky Blood Grimoire Bloodstone Ring
Consumables  Fire Arrow Iron Arrow Bone Arrow Greater Health Potion Greater Mana Potion Greater Health Regen Potion Greater Attack Speed Potion Minion Potion Knockback Potion Thorns Potion Fishing Potion Travel Scroll
Non-Craftable Objects  Crypt Column Crypt Door Crypt Fence Crypt Fence Gate Crypt Path Crypt Wall
Other Items  Torch Gateway Tablet

Spider Castle[edit]

Spider Castle is an Incursion Biome. The castle is filled with spider castle furniture and players can obtain the Spider Throne here.

Monsters found here include Spiderkin, Spiderkin Warrior, Spiderkin Archer, Spiderkin Mage, Bloated Spider, and Web Spinner.

You can loot the following items in the Spider Castle:

Type Items
Materials  Spider Essence Spiderite Ore Spider Venom Alchemy Shard Upgrade Shard
Equipment Random Tier Armor • Random Tier Weapon
Consumables  Spiderite Arrow Fire Arrow Iron Arrow Bone Arrow Greater Health Potion Greater Mana Potion Greater Health Regen Potion Greater Attack Speed Potion Minion Potion Knockback Potion Thorns Potion Fishing Potion Travel Scroll
Non-Craftable Objects  Spider Castle Bench Spider Castle Bookshelf Spider Castle Candelabra Spider Castle Chair Spider Castle Column Spider Castle Modular TableFile:Spider Castle Wall Arrow Trap.png Spider Castle Wall Arrow Trap Spider Castle Wall Candle Spider Cobble Spider Throne
Other Items  Torch Gateway Tablet Venomous Reckoning Vinyl Wrath of the Empress Vinyl Empress' Mask

Sun Arena[edit]

Sun Arena is an Incursion Biome. It is smaller than the other Incursion Biomes. This is the only place you can obtain Dawn blocks.

No monsters spawn here. This biome is fully lit at all times.

You can loot the following items in the Sun Arena:

Type Items
Materials  Alchemy Shard Upgrade Shard Deep Stone
Equipment Random Tier Armor • Random Tier Weapon •  Dawn Boots Dawn Chestplate Dawn Helmet
Non-Craftable Objects File:Dawn Path.png Dawn Path Dawn Wall Deep Rock Tile LavaFile:Lava Path.png Lava Path
Other Items  Gateway Tablet • 1 Vinyl

Moon Arena[edit]

Moon Arena is an Incursion Biome. It is smaller than other Incursion Biomes. This is the only place you can obtain Dusk blocks.

No monsters spawn here.

You can loot the following items in the Moon Arena:

Type Items
Materials  Alchemy Shard Upgrade Shard Deep Stone
Equipment Random Tier Armor • Random Tier Weapon •  Dusk Boots Dusk Chestplate Dusk Helmet
Non-Craftable Objects File:Dark Full Moon Path.png Dark Full Moon PathFile:Dark Moon Path.png Dark Moon Path Deep Rock Tile Dusk WallFile:Moon Path.png Moon Path
Other Items  Gateway Tablet • 1 Vinyl

Crystal Hollow[edit]

Crystal Hollow is an Incursion Biome. It is a cave full of crystals. This is the only place you can obtain Ancient Ruin blocks and Pearlescent Diamonds.

Monsters found here include Crystal Golem and Crystal Armadillo.

You can loot the following items in the Crystal Hollow:

Type Items
Materials  Pearlescent Diamond Omni-Crystal Alchemy Shard Upgrade Shard Amethyst Emerald Ruby Sapphire
Equipment Random Tier Armor • Random Tier Weapon
Consumables  Fire Arrow Iron Arrow Bone Arrow Greater Health Potion Greater Mana Potion Greater Health Regen Potion Greater Attack Speed Potion Minion Potion Knockback Potion Thorns Potion Fishing Potion Travel Scroll
Non-Craftable Objects  Ancient Ruin DoorFile:Ancient Ruin Floor.png Ancient Ruin Floor Ancient Ruin WallFile:Crystal Tile.png Crystal Tile
Other Items  Torch Carp Salmon Rockfish Terrorfish Gateway Tablet Dragon's Hoard Vinyl Past Behind Glass Vinyl