Blood Grimoire

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Blood Grimoire


Type: Weapons

Magic damage: 84

Attack speed: 0.5

Resilience gain: 0.75

Knockback: 10

Attack range: 225

Attack velocity: 120

Tooltip: Attack Conjures a ray of magic at the cost of life, that heals you when hitting opponents.
Interact Mark your enemies, causing your ray to also damage marked targets.

Broker value: 700

Attack sprite

The Blood Grimoire is a magic weapon that uses health instead of mana to use and can be found in Graveyard Incursions.

When fired it creates a continuous ray of piercing blood magic, that can be controlled. If the ray hits an enemy it will heal the player. The healing effect increases for each enemy hit with the ray.
The healing effect also applies to multi-segment enemies, such as the Swamp Guardian

The secondary fire of this weapon launches an arc of blood magic at the enemy, marking them for the duration. Any marked enemy will take damage whenever another enemy is hit with the ray of blood magic. This ability does not cost health to use.
An enemy taking damage only through the marked effect does not contribute to the weapon's healing