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Resilience is a Player Stat in Necesse.

Resilience essentially works as temporary HP that can be regenerated by attacks with weapons with "Resilience Gain" and max resilience is affected by type of Armor and class (with melee armor usually offering the highest resilience increase), certain Trinkets, and the "+ 10 max resilience" enchant on trinkets and armor.

How does resilience work[edit]

Resilience acts the same as HP. An enemy attack will reduce the same amount of Resilience as it would HP if you didn't have any Resilience.

With enough resilience regen, players can essentially have full resilience all the time out of combat which is extremely useful as you can start combat with full resilience instead of 0. For example, the Clockwork Heart trinket enabled passive regeneration of Resilience when at full HP, making it possible for players to regen resilience outside combat and maintain it.

Resilience vs HP[edit]

Now, if Resilience is basically the same as HP, why should players bother with Resilience?

Resilience has one advantage over traditional HP - the ability to regenerate with most weapon hits. Passive HP generation is paused when in combat, so the only ways for a player to regenerate HP in combat are Health Potions and Health Regeneration Buffs from Health Regen Potions, Food, etc. Even though Resilience can only be generated by two sources - attacks in combat and the passive regeneration from trinkets like Clockwork Heart or armor like Crystal Armor, it:

  • regenerates faster than HP regen, comes at no cooldown,
  • no resource use outside of initially obtaining the armor, trinkets, or enchants, and
  • have many sources of Resilience Gain Rate increase such as Manica and various armor sets such as melee class Spiderite Armor.