Queen Bee

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Queen Bee


Type: Other Miscellaneous

Shop: Animal Keeper

  Price:   ? - ?

"?" is not a number. "?" is not a number.

  Availability:   Post Pirate Captain?

Broker value: 100

A Queen Bee is obtained when destroying a Beehive.
They can be placed within an Apiary to begin breeding Honey Bees.

In a full Apiary (20 worker bees), a Queen Bee "Swarm" has a small chance to spawn when attempting to create a new worker if there is an empty Apiary within a 5-50 tile radius. The Swarm will take half of the population of the hive and move into a nearby empty Apiary.

Queen Bees can be bought from the Animal Keeper and Farmer after Pirate Captain (need verification on requirement)