Leather Dashers

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Leather Dashers


Type: Trinkets

Effects: Equip and hold Use to sprint
Consumes stamina when used

Broker value: 50

Leather Dashers is an early game craftable item. It allows the user to sprint, increasing the mobility in the early game by a lot.

Players can find their first Leather Dashers in the Elder's home

Sprinting consumes stamina, which is indicated in the buffs list.

The Leather Dashers is used to craft the Zephyr Boots, its upgrade.


Result Ingredients Crafting Station
 Leather Dashers (1)  Leather (10) Wool (5)  Workstation


Result Ingredients Crafting Station
 Zephyr Boots (1)  Leather Dashers (1) Zephyr Charm (1)  Workstation


v. 0.22.0:

  • Introduced