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Type: Settler

The Alchemist can be found in Villages. He sells Potions and Firework Rockets (Fireworks). He will buy certain Flowers from a player.

The Alchemist can do hauling, crafting, forestry and farming tasks.

The Alchemist buys:
Name Price Availability
Sunflower ? - ? Always
Firemone ? - ? Always
Iceblossom ? - ? Always
Caveglow ? - ? Always


Name Price Availability
 Firework Rocket 10 - 26 Always
 Health Potion 8 - 12 Always
 Mana Potion 16 - ? Always
 Health Regen Potion 25 - 35 Always
 Mana Regen Potion 15 - 20
 Speed Potion 25 - 35 Always
 Attack Speed Potion 25 - 35 Always
 Lab Boots ? - ?
 Alchemist Glasses ? - ?
 Lab Coat ? - ?