Template:Infobox item/doc

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This is an infobox that can be used to display an item


{{Infobox item
|name           = The name of the item, defaults to page name
|stringID       = The games stringID of the item (used to get game data as well)
|image          = The image of the item
|images         = Secondary images, can for example use Printimage template here
|type           = The type of the item
|tooldamage     = The tool damage this tool does (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|fishingpower   = The fishing power of this fishing rod/bait (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|damage         = The normal damage the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|meleedamage    = The melee damage the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|rangeddamage   = The ranged damage the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|magicdamage    = The magic damage the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|summondamage   = The summon damage the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|armorpen       = The armor penetration of the weapon (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|attackspeed    = The attack speed in milliseconds (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|attackcooldown = The attack cooldown in milliseconds (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|resiliencegain = The resilience the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|knockback      = The knockback the weapon gives (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|attackrange    = The range of the weapon (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|attackvelocity = The velocity of the projectile created by the weapon (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|armorvalue     = Armor value of the armor piece. Use <br> for new line (ignored if found in game data based on provided stringID)
|effects        = The effects of the armor/trinket/equipment in plain text. Use <br> for new line
|tooltip        = Tooltip displayed by the item
|shopsoldby     = Merchant selling this item
|shopminprice   = Minimum price when sold by NPC
|shopmaxprice   = Maximum price when sold by NPC
|shopavailable  = When this item is sold by any merchant
|brokervalue    = The pawnbroker value of the item
|attacksprite   = The attack sprite used for this item
|growthsprite   = The growth sprite used for this item