Blink Scepter

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Blink Scepter


Type: Trinkets

Attack speed: 1

Effects: Equip and Use to blink forward

Shop: Traveling Merchant

  Price:   1200 - 1500

  Availability:   Post Sage and Grit quest

Broker value: 800

Blink Scepter is a trinket obtained by completing Sage and Grit settlement quest tier. After that, it can also be bought from the Traveling Merchant for 1200-1500 coins. It is an alternative to Force of Wind. It's the best trinket against Fallen Wizard. This trinket teleports the player approximately 7 tiles in the direction they are facing; this teleport is unaffected by movement speed and has a base cooldown of 5 seconds. This teleport does not allow the player to move through solid blocks such as walls or furniture. Despite it not being mentioned in the tooltip, the Blink Scepter can be used from your hand just like the Force of Wind.